Bob Cheesman draws upon fifty-seven years of marriage as well as decades of premarital and marriage counselling to help you build a successful partnership that will stand the test of time. Filled with fatherly wisdom, this book will equip you to understand God's design and intenton for marriage, establish healthy foundations to support your marriage, and grow as a couple through every season of life.
A New Book by
Bob Cheesman
My Story
My wife and I have served with the Newfrontiers family of churches for five decades, first in England, and later in New Zealand.
Mary and I have two children and have been very blessed with five incredible granddaughters who are always a delight to us.
After fifty years of ministry, I have retired but continue my passion for helping couples and families navigate through the challenges of life with God at the centre. The two books which I currently have available come from a 'call to action' which I have felt to put what I have observed and learnt into written form for as many as possible to gain benefit from.
Over many years I have developed a heart for seeing healthy marriages which stand the test of time. Much of my time in ministry was spent helping couples as they started out on their journey together, and then through the ups and inevitable downs of their marriage. It is my passion to help couples build successful partnerships just as God intended.
Having had a difficult childhood, with no real parental guidance and much time spent away from home in an orphanage or boarding school, I desperately wanted our children to have a childhood different from my own. With little example from my own childhood, I had to learn how to be a good parent to my children and it fostered in me a desire to prepare and help parents through the adventure of raising children who will become thriving adults. This term "thriving adults" is key - as we parent our children, we need to do so in the light of growing the adult which they will be for many years.
We all have an inbuilt desire to belong, to be loved and touched and cared for. It's how God made us. Yet for many married couples, this sense of belonging remains elusive. How can we be truly one?
Bob Cheesman draws upon fifty-seven years of marriage as well as decades of premarital and marriage counselling to help you build a successful partnership that will stand the test of time. Filled with fatherly wisdom, this book will equip you to understand God's design and intenton for marriage, establish healthy foundations to support your marriage, and grow as a couple through every season of life. Look inside...
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16 Years a Child
60 Years an Adult
Help! I don't know how to be a parent! Does this thought ever cross your mind? If so, you are in the company of almost every other first-time parent. This book helps you better understand some of the most important things you need to know about shaping a child's character so they can become an amazing adult.
It's not a step-by-step guide, but it is an inspiration that will set you on the path to becoming a more confident parent.
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Love as distinct from 'being in love' is not merely a feeling. It is a deep unity, maintained by the will and deliberately strengthened by habit; reinforced by the grace which both partners ask, and receive from God.
They can have this love for each other even at those moments when they do not like each other; as you love yourself even when you do not like yourself.
- CS Lewis
Ann D, NZ
If I had read this book while younger, my husband would have had an easier life. An essential gift for every engaged and married couple.
Wayne & Julie, NZ
Highly recommended - Bob offers honest and wise advice from his own experience that will benefit any couple, regardless of the stage in their relationship.
Chris H, NZ
Bob wisely handles many aspects of marriage with practical insights that I wish someone had told me sooner! There are gems in each chapter that will bless couples at all stages of married life.